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Beat The Heat!!!

Beat The Heat

Stay indoors – this may seem self explanatory but it’s surprising the number of people you see outside on hot   days. If you get cabin fever, get out and about early in the morning before the sun gets too hot.

Drink plenty of water

Keep your home shaded - closing curtains or blinds may make rooms dark but will keep the temperature down by a couple of degrees.

Go for a swim – get up early and head to a public pool or sea baths, if you have some nearby.

Keep your air conditioner at 24 degrees – not only does this help the environment but your body will remain cool at this temperature and the effect ofthe heat will not be felt as much when you do venture out.

Check on friends or neighbours – the heat can have a devastating effect on those who are older or less mobile, so make sure that those who are vulnerable are OK.

Don’t forget to eat – when it’s hot, your appetite will decrease but not eating will leave you feeling weak.

Eat fruits daily like water melon , grapes etc

Wear cap, sun glasses , body cover suites, when you go out

Take coconut oil put your head daily , its keeps you cool

Eat little and often.Make sure you have a sufficient number of working smoke alarms throughout your home that are tested regularly and are supported by a written home escape plan in case of fire.

If you have a gas, electric or wood BBQ always check that it is in safe working order before lighting and that it is always in the care of a responsible adult when in use.

Always keep lighters and matches away from children and educate that they are "tools not toys" to only be used by responsible adults.If you have a garage or shed remember to take extra care with any stored chemicals and fuels and always refuel mowers, edgers etc when they are cold and in the open.If you live in a bushfire prone area keep the ground around your home clear of leaves and other litter and remember to clean your gutters regularly.

Never leave cooking, heaters, open fires or candles unattendedEnsure cigarette ash and butts are extinguished.

Keep a fire extinguisher and fire blanket and know how to use themNever deadlock yourself inside the house.

Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol (these can have a dehydrating effect)

At home, use fans, coolers or air-conditioningConsider going to cooler public places like shopping centres, cinemas or librariesWhen outside wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and loose, comfortable clothing with long sleevesRemember to use SPF30+ sun-screen every two hours!

Never leave anyone (particularly children or the elderly) in an unattended car (temperatures inside a car can rise to 50 degrees within a few minutes, leading to serious illness or death)

Always swim between the red and yellow flags on beaches as this way you are being watched by our terrific lifeguards and surf lifesavers.

Ensure good food hygiene continues during warmer weather including proper refrigeration...

Article courtesy : SBS.COM
